البريد الالكتروني
السبت و الثلاثاء و الاثنين و الخميس
09:00 صباحا - 05:00 مساءاً
09:00 صباحا - 05:00 مساءاً
We follow a unique approach that sets us apart, focusing on educating and informing patients about the intricate details of their conditions and the globally recognized safe treatment methods for orthopedic health.
To enhance patients' trust and awareness in the medical sector by providing high-quality medical services to treat orthopedic conditions.
To become a center of excellence and leadership in the treatment of bones, joints, and sports injuries.
Our primary goal is to achieve accurate diagnoses and provide effective treatments for our patients to improve their quality of life.
We are committed to delivering high quality services.
We continuously enhance our therapeutic services by keeping up with medical and technological advancements and providing ongoing education and training for our team.
Our patients and clients are our top priority, and we are dedicated to providing reliable medical care for everyone.
أخصائي جراحة العظام و المفاصل والطب الرياضي حاصل على شهادة البورد في طب وجراحة العظام ، عضو جمعية جراحي العظام الاردنيه ، عضو جمعية جراحي العظام الأمريكية وعضو جمعية الكسور السويسرية .
على مدار ستة سنوات ضمن مركز الدكتور اسعد احمد وظف الدكتور عبد المهدي الخبرة المكتسبة و مهاراته الطبية وقدراته العلمية على مساعدة المرضى في التخلص من الام العظام وأمراض المفاصل وعلاج الاصابات الرياضية المختلفة.
In our commitment to providing the best services, we offer you the option of online medical consultations through our website. This service enables you to communicate with us and inquire about any questions you may have. We will make every effort to respond to you promptly and with the utmost detail.
Amman - Al-Jaher Street - Al-Qasr Medical Complex - Behind Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital.